This Bio-Bus Is Powered By Human Waste Cerita Seru 11.25 Cerita Seru This bus is powered by human waste. It sounds like a cool idea but we're worried it might not smell as nice as a regular bus. Tweet Share Share Share Share About Admin MC3 This is dummy text. It is not meant to be read. Accordingly, it is difficult to figure out when to end it. But then, this is dummy text. It is not meant to be read. Period. Related Post A Photo Project of 100 Years of FashionAnnalisa Hartlaub recreated 100 years of fashion from the 1920s to today with selfies for a school A Man Invited Strangers To Draw On His Volkswagon VanWhat do you get when you give a bunch of strangers a pack of sharpies and tell them to draw on a VoVisions Of Hell By Murdered Polish Painter Zdzislaw BeksinskiZdzisław Beksiński (1929-2005) was a Polish born painter with no classical training who showed no This Harry Potter Theme Wedding Is MagicalYou can tell these two people are making a good call by marrying each other. They're obviously both